DEMA responds to and provides assistance during natural and man-made disasters. It is responsible for the administration of state-wide planning, training, mitigation and the coordination of effective emergency response to natural and technological emergencies which may threaten Delaware’s citizens and economic base. In carrying out its mission, DEMA fosters intergovernmental coordination of Emergency Response to assist, coordinate and Support DE Counties and Municipalities)NEW (August 28, 2020) Delaware Resilience Fund – Applications process, authorized by Governor John C. Carney under Executive Order #44, is now accepting applications. The Delaware Resilience Fund was created to assist families and communities devastated by tornadoes and other severe weather that occurred August 4, 2020 and August 7, 2020 in Delaware. Direct Assisstance of Qualifying Individuals – Individuals may qualify for direct assistance through the Milford Housing Development Corporation (MHDC) for services such as emergency home repair, insurance deductible assistance, and property cleanup to assist in making it usable. Qualification will be based on MHDC and income limit guidelines. To apply for assistance through the Delaware Resilience Fund call MHDC at 1(844)413-00388