The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) is a random-sample telephone interview survey of adult Delawareans. The BRFSS is a cooperative effort between the Division of Public Health and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, and is administered by the Division of Public Health’s Education Office. It collects data on behavioral risk factors for the leading causes of illness, injury and premature death.Interviews are conducted throughout the year by the University of Delaware’s Center for Applied Demography and Survey Research. Data is used for health planning, public health education, and tracking the progress of the state’s health objectives. The data is reported in the Delaware Vital Statistics Annual Report, in special reports, and on the Division’s website: Any interested agency, organization, health professional or other individual may request data from the BRFSS for health planning or public education.Anyone may call the above-listed number to verify the legitimacy of a phone call from the survey interviewers. The BRFSS Coordinator is available to make presentations of the data to professional and health organizations. (People cannot ask to be surveyed, but they can see the results of the survey on our web site.)