Center for Community Research & Service Wilmington Office (CCRS Wilmington) provides information, training, and technical assistance to nonprofit and community-based organizations and to public agencies serving low- and moderate income families & communities. Nonprofit Resource Library print and electronic holdings are being continually expanded and updated. Computer work stations are available to explore the online database of the library holdings, as well as to search for funding opportunities via the Foundation Center Online. Personal assistance is available in the library by appointment. Nonprofit Hotline serves as a resource to educate the nonprofit community and the general public about the nonprofit section. Questions may be related to any aspect of nonprofit administration. Certificate Courses and Training Programs professional development courses for individuals in the nonprofit sector. Course offerings include: Brownfields Redevelopment and Environmental Justice Certificate Course; Community Based Development Training Program; Faith-Based Community Development Certificate Course; Nonprofit Management Certificate Course; Advanced Nonprofit Management Certificate Course. For more detailed information, please contact the CCRS Wilmington Office. Housing Capacity Building Program is designed to foster a stronger affordable housing delivery system by strengthening the capacity of housing organizations in Delaware to build more housing, better maintain housing, or place more people in affordable housing.